Official Mark Levin Audio Rewind

11/24/15 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind



WW3 continues to get uglier as Vladimir Putin violates Turkish airspace and his fighter is shot down by Turkey. Putin has been violating other countries' airspace for years and is the aggressor. It's his fault that the fighter was shot down. Also, President Obama's foreign policy plan of appeasement has enabled Russia to threaten U.S. airspace and get into Syria. What Obama needs to do is bolster the military to send a strong message to our enemies, but instead continues like China and Russia are increasing their military buildup. When you have a weak U.S. President who condemns his country, the enemies of America see this and act to take advantage. Later, Victor Davis Hansen calls in talk about how Obama is going to do more damage in his last year. After, David Limbaugh discusses his new book, The Emmaus Code. Finally, Obamacare is causing health insurers to raise premiums by double digits and United Health Care is threatening to leave the exchanges. This shows that Obamacare, a design for redistributing we