Official Mark Levin Audio Rewind

11/27/15 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind



Tom Marr of WCBM fills in for Mark. There are dark times for America and abroad. The Middle East is also an Obama muddle and Continental Europe is turning into Arabia with the import of Syrian refugees. America should not want to capture ISIS, but destroy them. They want to spread their caliphate worldwide and are, unlike President Obama's claim, varsity terrorists. America offers the chance of freedom to all but not to draft age males who want to kill and terrorize us. Also, civil rights groups are at it again in protesting in Chicago. It's true that the officer who had 18 complaints filed against him should have been fired even before he had a chance to shoot the African American teen. It is hypocrisy, however, when Jesse Jackson, and civil rights organizations, focus on only one shooting, when Chicago is a shooting gallery for black on black crime. Later, Prince Charles is like Al Gore when it comes to climate change. Social activists for climate change are dead wrong and are using fake science to promote