Official Mark Levin Audio Rewind

1/1/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind



The Republicans have become handmaidens to President Obama through a massive omnibus spending bill that brings spending hikes across the board and brings in special interest tax breaks. 2 weeks ago, the House and the Senate voted to destroy your children and grandchildren's future with this spending bill and the Republicans got nothing in return because they are afraid of a government shutdown. The fear of default is not a valid concern as it has never happened during the 18 other shutdowns, but America is in danger of defaulting if we continue on this path of massive spending. Republican establishment types think that giving into Democrats will win them the Presidency. However, the way you win the Presidency is to stand up on principle. Also, Marco Rubio's former stance on immigration and opposition to amnesty has not been mentioned once by any establishment Republican media or commentators. Rubio has adopted Chuck Schumer's position on immigration; if he had stuck to his principles he would have been a gre