Official Mark Levin Audio Rewind

1/12/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind



Americans should forget about the State of the Union speech and not give President Obama a captive audience for his Castro like speeches. The State of our Union sucks under Obama, so why should Americans be cowed into watching it? Obama is just going to talk about how he created a paradise and how it would have been better if the opposition would just gotten out of his way. Also, Reince Priebus is a joke; he was asked about Sen. Ted Cruz's citizenship and won't even comment about it. In addition, Sen. Mitch McConnell won't have the Senate declare Cruz a citizen because he and the establishment despise him. This is the muddle put together to get rid of Cruz by the establishment and the left. This is no different from when Ronald Reagan was attacked by the establishment when he was running. The establishment will not roll over and will pour more money into Jeb Bush's campaign and attack conservatives. Conservatives must press forward with their agenda against Hillary, the left, and Republican moderates.