Official Mark Levin Audio Rewind

1/20/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind



Conservatives are against crony capitalism, where statists use the power of the federal government to subsidize one industry against another. So why is Donald Trump supporting ethanol? If ethanol were a viable source of fuel the free market would have responded positively, but it hasn't, yet the government continues to push it. Ethanol is causing enormous damage to the third world and driving food prices up. Trump's support over ethanol shows the divide in the Republican Party between the Nixon Republicans and the Reagan Republicans. Also, Ted Cruz is a solid conservative constitutionalist yet Trump would have Americans believe that he is worse than Hillary Clinton. Donald Trump needs to take the high road instead of resorting to liberal and Nixonian tactics. Later, Senator Ted Cruz calls in to defend himself against Trump's comments and talk about his positions on ethanol and H-1B visas.