Spannered Radio Podcast (all Items)

DJ Rupture - Resonance FM Post Election Special



DJ /rupture came up with a swiftly executed and devastatingly effective musical counterstrike against the re-election of the world's least favourite leader in 2004. Previously hosted on Musicalbear, the mix combines more commercial US productions (opening with Baby Boy and finding room for Terror Squad's anthemic Lean Back) with the usual /rupture mash-up of breakcore, gabba, jungle and general intense, nose-bleeding noise. As a gesture to US Army interrogation techniques, someone really ought to shut George Bush in a steel container and play this to him at full volume until his head explodes or he experiences a sudden conversion to grime and breakcore. A crazed scream interrupts the most laid-back, downtempo part of the mix: don't relax or the Republicans might get away with even more than they already have. The breakbeats are interspersed with evocative classics (like the Honeydrippers Impeach The President) and snatches of lyrics – 'I'm not your typical American' intones one MC, just before the mus