Spannered Radio Podcast (all Items)

Bass Clef - Fact Mix



Those who have listened to the latest album by Ralph Cumbers will know something of his huge love for the rhythms of Africa. Earlier this year Ralph ripped and re-edited a number of his favourite vinyls from the motherland. The resulting mix — released as part of Fact Magazine's consistently excellent podcast series — is the most colourful and crazed selection of music we've heard so far this year. If you missed it (Fact's podcasts are available for three weeks only), don't fear as Ralph recently asked Spannered to give the mix a permanent home.   Mr Clef talks about the mix, his current African obsessions and the recent album in an interview over at the Fact site. Those new to his work may also want to check Spannered's interview with him back in 2006.   Tracklisting: Segun Adewale - Yo Pop Music Susan Mapfumo - Dzvoko Zani Diabete - Super Djata Fede Lawu - Cherie Coco Edikanfo - Da Da Edikanfo Nyboma - Double Double Bibi Den’s Tshibayi - The Best Amb