Colin Thomson: Do More

027: G4 Guitar Method and 50 Teaching Franchises on 3 Continents with David Hart



Bio: David Hart is a guitar teacher based in Sydney, Australia. He sold his first music school (Learn2Play Music) in 2003, and walk away from that project with quite a bit of debt.  This was followed by a time of soul-searching and financial difficulties. He dug deep, wanting to know everything possible about business, coaching and success. The knowledge and experience all came together in 2005 when he launched G4 Guitar, and after 2 years he had enrolled over 3,000 students from scratch and with no initial money. By 2010 he had begun to franchise, and he now has 50+ teachers operating in Australia, Canada, US and the UK, impacting a total of over 10,000 students as of today. Key Take Aways: You always need to find new and creative ways to leverage your time When learning, it's essential that students understand where they are A lot of times the most valuable thing you will get out of any events you attend will be the relationships you are able to build Listen to others, and learn from other people. You will