Colin Thomson: Do More

045: Keys to a Successful Musical Career - Blab Conversation



 Quote of the Day “Amateurs look for inspiration; the rest of us just get up and go to work.” ― Chuck Close   Key Take Aways: What Are Your Keys to a Successful Musical Career? Success often comes down to the connection you are able to make with your audience Get input from your audience as often as you can Interact as much as you possible can Keep it about the music, and leave your ego at home As a band, it is essential to have musical chemistry with your band In any group setting, long term goals that are aligned, are headed the same direction, and openly discussed will lead to healthy musical collaboration Be obsessed with your passion. A lot of times, the passionate ones are the ones who survive the hard times, when other people quit Always create Force yourself to get out, and be on the scene. You never know the connections you'll make How Do You Find the Time to Practice? A lot of times, gigging is practicing. Take advantage of it to sharpen your skills It's essential that you are willing to take adv