Catechesis With Pope Benedict Xvi

Year of Faith -2- What is Faith? - Catechesis with Papa Benedetto - Totus2us



Pope Benedict XVI in the Year of Faith: ".. Faith, then, is an assent with which our minds and our hearts say their “yes” to God, by confessing that Jesus is Lord. And this “yes” transforms life, opens the road towards a fullness of meaning, renders it thus new, rich in joy and trustworthy hope. Dear friends, our time requires Christians who have been grasped by Christ, who grow in faith thanks to familiarity with Sacred Scripture and the Sacraments. People who are like an open book that narrates the experience of new life in the Spirit, the presence of that God who sustains us on our path and opens us to life that will have no end. Thank you." (General Audience, 24 October 2012) Music by Ooberfuse: Credo. Visit for much more.