New Branch Community Church

2012-2-26 Leveraging Influence 2 of 4 Barnabas Factor



Let's pray. Father God we come before you today that let desire of our heart we speak to us today through your Word help us to learn what you have to learn we pray all this in Jesus name. Amen. You maybe she'd like to read exert from a book for you today. It says imagine a picture post card day, the sky is cloud less What's the temperature is perfect you were feeling on top of the world you decide to go see your favorite mountain and climb to the top of it something like that. You forget to bring any of your safety gear but since it's such a nice day what could go wrong. You invite a few friends to join you but no one can make it but it's such a beautiful day that you decide to go. Anyway you won't be gone long and what could go wrong when you get to the mountain