New Branch Community Church

2012-3-11-Leveraging Influence-4 of 4-Leaving a Legacy



___ God to come for you today. Well the harsh desire Lord you're you're the passion that we live for. Only stuff that we want so God we we pray that today Lord we can honor you and all that we say and do well receive our worship. Lord be with us today as we open up your word and Lord teach us what you have to teach us today, we pray all of this in Jesus name Amen. You may be seated. I'd like to start today with an excerpt from the book Mentoring by Bob Beal. This is in Chapter 1. It says that what difference does mentoring make ___ remember when you were 21 years old keep keeping, you remember that far back. If you aren't 21 yet go back five years ok. If you are you know 40 or something maybe maybe think back to 45 or something I don't know but anyway. Let me ask you a question, remember how you sell shy(?)