New Branch Community Church

2012-6-3-Baptism -1 of 1-Baptism



Alright let's pray. Father God we come before you today no day do we celebrate more than on a day that we better or that's the day of celebration. That's what we're here to do today. Yeah we pray you please in honor by all that we do here today we pray all this in Jesus name amen. You maybe seen if you can or stand or whatever you wanna do. Can you all hear me way back there in the back. Raise your hand back there if you can you hear me and ok. There we go. Just wanna make sure. Invited you all here today. It's very late to start today think in your mind for just a minute what is one of the greatest moment of your life. Anybody think in your mind what is the greatest moment I was thinking this past Friday me and Frenzy and my son went fishing that was a great day you know being out in the water is beautiful. All the way out until 5:00 when there's water spouts and all that kinda stuff but that's a great day but that's not the kinda day that I'm talking about this morning I'm talking