New Branch Community Church

2012-7-15-Rest-1 of 3-Why Rest



Let's pray. Father we come before you today and lord we ask that you speak to us Lord through your word be with us today as we open up your word lord we thank you for this day before you receive all the honor and glory praise in Jesus name. Amen. You may be sitted(?) it's good to be back from vacation. I heard pastor Jim did an incredible job last Sunday. So hope you all enjoyed that and I got to listen on talk she said ___ joining us we thank you all for joining us on talk shoe(?) but you might be able to listen when you're not here and so we listen by phone and we visited another church last Sunday vacations are interesting aren't they I mean you get to spend time with family you don't get normally spend as much time together and it's not vacation unless you get lost at least once or something and I broke my phone because I was fishing and I carried it out on the water with me but anyway you learn real fast how much you're depended on your phone. You know ___.