Saints Gone Before

SGB 26 - BB Warfield - Calvin's Doctrine of the Knowledge of God - Part 3



Warfield - hoo! Yeah! What is he good for? Absolutely... Well, he's good for understanding one corner of John Calvin's theology, actually. We suspect he's also good for more beyond that. Today's episode is part 3 in this series. Come back next week for part 4! The text is B. B. Warfield’s essay, “Calvin’s Doctrine of the Knowledge of God.” The essay comes from Calvin and the Reformation: Four Studies, published by Fleming H. Revell Company in 1909. Would you like to request a specific book, sermon, or other Christian text? E-mail us at or tweet us @OralHistoryPod Your reader was Adam Christman. The theme song is “37 Echoes” by Dan-o of This podcast was created by Jonathan McCormick and Adam Christman; it is produced and edited by Adam Christman.