Saints Gone Before

SGB 31 - BB Warfield - Calvin's Doctrine of the Knowledge of God - Part 8



Presenting part 8 of BB Warfield's "Calvin's Doctrine of the Knowledge of God. Part 9 wraps us up next Monday! Announcement: Our other podcast, "An Oral History of the Church," returns on Friday! This volume will discuss the Lutheran wing of the Protestant Reformation. We're excited; we hope you enjoy it. The Warfield essay comes from Calvin and the Reformation: Four Studies, published by Fleming H. Revell Company in 1909. Would you like to request a specific book, sermon, or other Christian text? Please e-mail us or tweet us @OralHistoryPod. Let us know how we’re doing, or what you’d like to hear more of! Reader: Adam Christman Created by: Jonathan McCormick and Adam Christman Produced and edited by: Adam Christman