Startup Film School With Stacey Parks Of

Financing Your MicroBudget Film: A Crowdfunding Case Study



In this case study, filmmakers J.T. Arbogast and Kimberly Dilts discuss how they turned to crowd funding to raise part of their $500K budget for their feature film "Angel's Perch". Kim and J.T. discuss: • How they decided on the budget for AP and to make it a micro budget movie • What the overall financing plan for the project is and why they decided to make crowd funding a part of it • How did you decide where to set your financial goal at for the campaign? What did you intend to pay with crowd funding proceeds? • How long they prepared before launching the campaign and what they did to prepare • What they did once the campaign started to keep momentum going and the funds coming in • What the promotional plan for the campaign was and how it ended up working out in reality • What was pivotal in making them exceed their financial goal on Kickstarter • Looking back, what they would have done differently with the campaign? • How they leveraged crowd funding for additional fiscal sponsorship in their film and how