Barber Shop Podcast

Jay Pollmann



You can take the boy from The Hammer but that patina never fades once it's in your blood. Jay Pollmann was born in Steel City to a musical family, the healing and community aspects of the arts re-enforced on a daily basis. Learning by ear and hungry for knowledge, his teen years and young adulthood featuring all the ingredients necessary to build a career in music. Joining forces with like minded fellows out Cayuga way to make original music is always a pretty heavy commitment - doubly so when rural considerations are factored in. Forming the group GRUVE with Brad Jackson and Eric Pollmann in 2014, enjoying the rocking ride the entire trip. The writer in Jay continued to work and churn out more and more music that had its own unique voice, his voice. Dedicated to forging something solid, the wise man continued to wood-shed and play his compositions out, building a story that was destined to become his new record, destined to be the sharpest point on his favorite pencil - destined for another solid brick in