Barber Shop Podcast

Jim Dan Dee



There exists both a fine line and a huge chasm between The Hammer and Hogtown, the grit and the polish, the slick and the greasy. Musically speaking, both Hamilton and Toronto share so many common roots and spurs born from the TH&B railroad of yesteryear. So many great blues, jazz, country, soul and rock n roll icons visited the clubs and venues between Stoney Creek and Streetsville that the Golden Horseshoe became an incubator for some truly great home-grown music with these genetic markers. Growing up in Southern Ontario, guys like Jason Sewerynem saw first hand the mojo that filtered down to the British Invasion icons and traced back the lineage to arrive in Toronto fronting a completely honest evolution for the blues in the form of The Jim Dan Dee band. Now, we don't get cats from T.O. Calling us up to book an appointment very often, so after insuring it wasn't a trick, we looked up these guys and were duly impressed by the sheer professionalism of this unit - sharply dressed and tight as a drum head. T