Barber Shop Podcast




Every once and awhile we have a show that shines for all the right reasons - and baby, this is one of them. Sarasin has been making heavy metal thunder in the Hammer for 30 years now, a band of brothers steeped in the blackest of sabbaths and bluest of cults. If you wanted to be heard in this town, you'd better be good - and loud - and they were. Now, three decades is a long time and over the years the members changed but the credo did not. Always held high amongst their peers, the band never broke nationally in an analogue world on the precipice of the digital age. As good as it was, the limited venues, labels and opportunities saw them play fewer gigs and saw some extended hiatuses until the death of the heart and soul of the group seemed to spell the last chapter in this saga. Except it wasn't. Final wishes and a blessing to continue meant the last original member, Greg Boileau was on a mission to make Sarasin echo a generation of positive energy with the people and the punch necessary to get the job done