Barber Shop Podcast

Drummer Show #1



The foundation of music is rhythm, and the drums have have been there since the cornerstone was laid at the dawn of mankind. For almost as long, drummers have had to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous stereotypes - the unkempt wild man, substance abuser, undependable, flakey, it's all there. Goodness knows we have been guilty as anyone here on Barber Shop Podcast for spending too little time fleshing out the individuals who provide the heartbeat to the music, often getting little more than their names before returning to the front man or chanteuse, banishing them to relative obscurity. Well, enough is enough. Drummers are real people - for the most part -and their contribution is very often paramount in any group, so crucial is their pace, feel, and toughness in the mix. It's often said that the right drummer can instantly make a bad band good and a good band great, and that's absolutely true. It's also true that they are also often some of the most interesting and wonderful people you will meet in m