Barber Shop Podcast




It takes all kinds to make music and make a difference in this world, the young and the old, the weak and the strong, the meek and the brave. Taking hold of an idea and an ideal, wrapping one's history and desires tightly in hand is the call of duty for every artist and Terry and Eva Graves are no different. These seminal members of the folk group Headframe were attracted to each others aura in their youth, the passions of the time rekindled some twenty-odd years later after life had their way with both of them. What once was there was again in spades, a pair of real adventurers who took up together and strove to make a difference in their new/old life together. Politics make strange bedfellows and there's nothing better to set the mood than music. Dylan, Young, Guthrie, are all names that hark to the message. Song and dance men in a suit of enlightenment, people like Terry and Eva shared their love of music and used the many hours of isolation to connect in tune. Writing and creating melodies that speak of l