Barber Shop Podcast

Three Year Anniversary Show



80% of podcasts do not survive 10 episodes before giving up and going away. In late November 2012 Kevin Barber and Ryan Cannon started something from scratch, drawing a line in the sand and moving forward week by week for 158 straight weeks. The show ostensively is about music, but is in fact so much more. What it manages to do every week is bring the magic of live, original music to the home theatre, providing the crucial answers to the questions "Who are you, and why do I care?" Giving a stage to the best and brightest, newbies and oldies, high and lonesome and dirty blue music from the storied steel city brings with it awesome responsibility and perhaps a little salvation. Your barber is an honest and trusted friend. It doesn't matter how often you drop in he remembers you and how you like it. It's his stage but it's all about you as stories, opinions and sage advice are offered. Painful truths, joyous news and real life events are embraced and discussed until all too soon your time is up and the next hea