Barber Shop Podcast

Winds of the North



We pick our guests very carefully here at Barber Shop Podcast, the common thread is always a belief in music as a life force. No part timers, pseudo troubadours or poseurs make their way to the hallowed space that is BOXO Studio on Wednesday nights. So imagine our surprise when a group of seemingly balanced and rehearsed boys from the Toronto bedroom community of Milton got a hold of us and asked if they too might be featured on our wundershow...... well, I guess the sweet scent of The Hammer has spread far and wide, and if an outsider is ready to embrace is in all our gritty glory, well then; we too must stretch out our arms and embrace their fresh-scrubbed faces with their very own show. In the very beginning, guitarists Ty MacKenzie and Kenny Drummond were the nexus of the group, their infectious synergy almost immediately drawing neighbour and bassist Steve McFarlane to the window, scratching and clawing at the door until they relented, and in doing so, added the slick, textured bass lines and sweet harmo