Mile High Locavorist

Chef Jon Emanuel on Feeding 1,100 People with Life-Threatening Illnesses as Much Local and Organic As Possible…On A Budget



Chef Jon Emanuel on Feeding 1,100 People with Life-Threatening Illnesses as Much Local and Organic As Possible...On A Budget “We consider love an ingredient. When we prepare our meals, we are fully aware of who we are cooking for and why we are doing it.” – Chef Jon Emanuel Project Angel Heart “delivers nutritious meals to improve quality of life, at no cost, for those coping with life-threatening illness.” On top of that, they pursue ambitious sustainability and local purchasing goals. Project Angel Heart started in 1991 supporting a dozen AIDS sufferers with donated lasagna. They have since expanded to serve all life threatening illnesses and today, serve 1,100 people with weekly food deliveries, at no cost, in their time of need. That’s six chefs and countless volunteers making and delivering 5,500 restaurant-quality meals per week, customized to the unique dietary needs of each client. At the same time, they sourced 30% of their food locally and diverted over 50 tons of waste from landfills through compos