Organic Crumbs

E9: Molly Chester-New ways to do things the old way



Molly Chester, personal chef turned farmer and author, shares about nourishing foods, nourishing soil, writing a cookbook, and biodynamic farming.  She also opens up on the topic of postpartum issues, and discusses the need to expand the conversation to support child bearing women in the modern world. Relevant links: Apricot Lane Farms Organic Spark Blog Super Soul Sunday Short videos Nourishing Traditions Cook book Biodynamic Farming Permaculture Cooked with Micheal Pollen Changing the way we look at farming Credits: Music by Steve Wilkinson Post Production work and MC: Tony Chu Tami will often end the show with a “blessing”.  Many of these are excerpts from To Bless the Space Between Us by John O’Donohue. For more information about Tami: