Lobot's Library (retired)

8 Millennium Falcon



Ship ProfileKey Stat(s)Manufacturer - Corellian Engineering CorporationModel -  YT-1300f light freighterDimensions - 34.37meters by 25.61 metersMax Speed - 1,050 km/hBackgroundBuilt 60 years BBYOwned by a number of individuals with varying degrees of capabilitiesWon by Lando Calrissian 5 years BBYWon by Han Solo on a technicality in a sabacc gameKnown for - Kessel RunMade fastest run by flying as close as possible to the black holes that distorted space timeCalculated by advanced navigational computer rather than navicomputer to make the trip fasterJob - Smuggling and transportNumerous ownersMany names to remain hiddenAlmost destroyed when in storage for almost a monthNotable Achievement(s) - UpgradesUpgraded the armor plating, weapons, engines, sensors, and sensor jammers by Han SoloSensor Jammers installed were so powerful, it disabled the Falcon itselfMajor systems accessible through the cockpit or engineering stationInstalled hyperdrive was twice the size of a normal hyperdrive to increase speedFun F