Live Nude Puppets




THIS CONTENT IS INTENDED FOR ADULTAUDIENCES WE OWN the #1 selling T-shirt on Café Press. It is ourLIVE NUDE PUPPETS logo shirt. Starting at $9.99 Why? Because our logoshirt gets you laid, for real.  CLICK HERE   LIVE NUDE PUPPETS ARE JIMMY BARTLETT BOBBY PAUL JASON PIERCE SHARON PIERCE (FEATURED PLAYER)   ON THIS EPISODE: The boys find a little more than theybargained for when they hit the town   DESCRIPTION: 4 WEEKLY VIGNYETTES you can onlyfind on the LIVE NUDE PUPPETS network.   BACKSTAGE WITH LIVE NUDE PUPPETS can be a verycolorful place to be. You can expect comedians to regurgitatethings they don't want to say on stage or comedy bits they want tosharpen before stage time. The stories you will hear are real, sofar anyway.    PHILIP THE BONG is a sitcom podcast beingpitched to networks for animation.  Dabs and Buzzly are twodumb 20 year olds who come across a speaking bong namedPhilip.  Is Philip their enemy or their best friend?   LIVE FROM JOLIET PRISON HEY, IT’S A S