Belle Fever Stories Podcast

Podcast1: Mum, you’re always going to be with us



Listen to Brooke's story here Sadly, Brooke knew she only had a little bit of time left with her mum and she wanted to get something special so her mum would always be close to her. However, she didn’t quite know what that “something special” was. One thing she did know, was that she wanted her Mum to see it. “it was really important for me, for my mum to see, it was a really beautiful piece to show her and say you’re always going to be with us” Brooke got the idea of getting a personalised jewellery piece and she spent quite a lot of time looking through different Belle Fever pieces to see if she could find anything she liked. When she scrolled on to the Rose Family necklace, it just jumped out at her and she knew that was it! Her Mum loved roses and it looked so elegant, she decided that was the piece that would honour her Mum and keep not just her Mum, but also her two daughters next to her heart at all times. The Belle Fever team completely understood the