Financial Services Marketing Podcast

Tom Chrobak - Financial Services Marketing Interview



College Planning Specialists, Inc. offers private consulting to provide a comprehensive plan for parents of college bound children, including educational research, career planning & financial aid positioning. Started in 2006 and located near O\'Hare airport in Rosemont, Illinois we have helped hundreds of families over the past few years make their children\'s college dreams a reality. Tom Chrobak, CCPS it\'s President and founder is the nation's leading expert on getting into and paying for college - as well as helping students choose their careers and command top money in their fields. He is also famous for helping families that didn't save enough for college get on track for the retirement. He was born in Poland and raised in the Chicago area since coming to the U.S with his family when he was 11 years old. His family's lack of financial resources to fund his college costs and a sister who was a Financial Aid Director at a private college, have combined to help Tom enter world of financial aid early on