

In this podcast, The Good Doctors discuss the importance of melatonin and sleep in immune regulation and healing. Fundamentally, through good melatonin production and good sleep efficiency, we have the power to generate our own production of antioxidants, our own production of anti-cancer agents and our own immune modulating hormones. Encouraging melatonin production and good sleep are very empowering things that we can do for our bodies, particularly for those suffering with cancer. Sleep Well, Be Well! Enjoy! SHOW NOTES 0.32  Melatonin is a  sleep hormone secreted by the pineal gland into the body as the sun sets 1.00  Artificial light suppresses melatonin production 1.30  Importance of melatonin for reasons other than sleep 1.55  Role of melatonin in the gut 2.15  Irritable Bowel Syndrome 2.46  Important immune regulator 2.59  Meditation can increase melatonin production 4.42  Stanford Research in 2014- Advanced breast cancer patients with poor sleep efficiency had a  prognostic of a poorer outcome 4.48  I