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#129 - OMG or YA



var so = new SWFObject("http://www.awesomepedia.org/mediaplayer.swf","mpl","500","20","9"); so.addParam("allowscriptaccess","always"); so.addParam("allowfullscreen","true"); so.addParam("flashvars","&file=http://www.awesomepedia.org/podcast/media/HallaDar-129.mp3"); so.write("player129"); CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE EPISODE Please enjoy listening to this piece of audio art. OMG OR YA: The part of the show where we ask you if OMG or YA. Play along at home! ART IS TERRIBLE: Anders says he hates art, but what he actually means is that he hates things that are "artsy" and/or "fartsy". THE GREEKS: Anders says he hates the Greeks, but what he sort of means is that he hates the ancient Greeks - but what he ACTUALLY means is that he hates his high school teachers.