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#151 - Describing in Negatives



var so = new SWFObject("http://www.awesomepedia.org/mediaplayer.swf","mpl","600","20","9"); so.addParam("allowscriptaccess","always"); so.addParam("allowfullscreen","true"); so.addParam("flashvars","&file=http://www.awesomepedia.org/podcast/media/HallaDar-151.mp3"); so.write("player151"); CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE EPISODE Sweden's had it's National Day again and again no one really noticed or cared. Except us! Except you! Except Google! PATRIOTISM: Racist assholes occupy huge chunks of our cultural heritage – what parts do we need to reclaima? What parts DON'T we need to reclaima? And will Anders EVER pass through a subway barrier without flinching? IMPRESSIONISM: Anders has finally finished his stupid thing so we're done with that. In the end it's probably a great thing that he's been forced to slightly diverge from his usual impressionistic way of reading text. PIXARISM: There hasn't been a lot of video content coming out of the Awesomepedia factory these past few years. Is that about to change..