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#167 - What Would Frank Underwood Do?



var so = new SWFObject("http://www.awesomepedia.org/mediaplayer.swf","mpl","600","20","9"); so.addParam("allowscriptaccess","always"); so.addParam("allowfullscreen","true"); so.addParam("flashvars","&file=http://www.awesomepedia.org/podcast/media/HallaDar-167.mp3"); so.write("player167"); CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE EPISODE Swedish politics AND Heroes Reborn discussed in one and the same episode?? Wow, we are really going on a thrilling ride with this one let me tell you. COWBOY POLITICS: The December Agreement has collapsed! Does anyone care?! HOUSE OF CARDS: With wild west politics in full effect, we can only hope and pray for a corrupt evil genius to come along and save us all. SHOWS WHAT YOU KNOW 2: We talk about episodes 3 and 4 of Heroes Reborn. This segment is also available at awesomepedia.org/showswhatyouknow.