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#179 - Where's the Lion?



var so = new SWFObject("http://www.awesomepedia.org/mediaplayer.swf","mpl","600","20","9"); so.addParam("allowscriptaccess","always"); so.addParam("allowfullscreen","true"); so.addParam("flashvars","&file=http://www.awesomepedia.org/podcast/media/HallaDar-179.mp3"); so.write("player179"); CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE EPISODE Someone stole Anders' phone and has been using it to sell lions. Like, do I even need to write anything more at this point? I'm pretty sure I can't say anything more tempting than that. PHONE SCANDAL: Why does Anders feel bad about this? Because it is amazzing. POST-FRAT-BOY: Oh and also Anders finished his god damn education! Finally! NANOWRIMO 2.0: Okay so NaNoWriMo is over when Jakob says it's over, and apparently it's over when he's worked himself to death. Come hear him babble about writing and creativity as usual.