Paranormal Kool-aid

Paranormal Kool-Aid Monsters, Men & Monster Men



Jim W. Brown is an Independent Research Associate, which is a group of individuals who have specialized training, recognized degrees in a particular field and consult each other for research and investigations. He works from the scientific/skeptic side and specializes in instrumentation, EVP & UFO studies. He "debunks" the equipment many use; the KII, ghost box, Ovilus, and other pseudo-scientific devices used in paranormal investigating. Cleve Hall is the star of SyFy's Monster Man which follows him, his daughters Constance and Elora Hall, his ex-wife Sonja Maddox-Hall, best friends Roy Knyrim and Johnny Saiko, as well as office manager Cindy Miller, as they bring the movie world's most imaginative creatures to life. Paranormal Talk Radio Take a sip of the Kool-Aid! What's your flavor? Discussions on Paranormal Phenomena: Ghost/Spirits, Psychics/Mediums, Hauntings, Demonic Possession, Ufology, Alien Abduction, Time Travel, NDE's, Bigfoot/Sasquatch, Conspiracies & All Things Unexplained. Facebook