
Hardcore Nerdography: Episode 1



From the mind of Mike Sklens comes's latest series: Hardcore Nerdography! Every episode, Mike, along with his girlfriend Amanda and their pal Dante, will shoot the shit about whatever happens to float their boat. That might come off as intentionally vague, but that's only because it is. On the premiere episode, Mike, Amanda and Dante basically discuss everything under the sun, from parking tickets to Animal Crossing buffoonery to awkward pictures of children at Disneyworld. Truly, this podcast is the happiest place on Earth. When you're done listening, be sure to send in all of your thoughts, questions and concerns to, follow us on Twitter (@crosstawk) and rate/review us on iTunes. Those of you who go through with that last bit will get an extra special prize: our undying affection. It might not be worth monies, but something something something! Come back on Tuesday for the return of Crosstawk Sports!