
Box Office Poison: Episode 5



Stuffed with turkey? Digging into those leftover yams? Well, BOP's here to keep you company! It's a brand new month, and we've got a lot to talk about, starting with a long discussion on the new Harry Potter, and continuing on with I'm Not There, Winter's Bone, Jackass 3D, a defense of Bill Shatner's acting skills and even a love letter to the Disney classic, Captain EO! Once we wrap that up, we get to our Movie of the Month: The Third Man. We all really dug the flick, and we had a great conversation about what makes it an awesome European noir film. Next month, we'll be watching Synecdoche, New York. As always, you can contact us via email (, Twitter (@crosstawk) or by commenting on the article on the site. Also, we mentioned the upcoming RFN: Doin' It Live... For the Kids! You can see all of the details here: See you on Tuesday for a new Crosstawk Sports, and again on Friday for a new Crosstawk Comics!