The Vital Way




Jayson and Mira Calton may just be the leading people in the world on micronutrients. As I start off the call, while so much of the nutrition focus is on MACROnutrients, when it comes to health the MICROnutrients are so much more imporant. In this exciting call you'll learn much more than you ever knew on the topic including: * Mira's story of reversing Osteoporosis (an "incurable" disease) * The Macronutrients Wars * Vitamin C's role in Stress * Deficiencies = Death, but the important difference between Single vs. Culmination Deficiencies * Just 3 Critical Mineral to Fix Hypertension * Why Multivitamins are still in their Infancy * Beware these Depleters of Micronutrients * 34%-60% of People have this Genetic Mutation rendering Folic Acid inert *Supplements - Absorption, Beneficial Quantities & Forms, Competition and Synergy *Names Named! the Crappiest Multivitamins on the Market *The Best Testing to do for Micronutrient Deficiencies (plus some ideas on how to find out for free) *And Much More https://