The Vital Way

046-Neurotransmitters and Testosterone with Doc Testosterone



Dr. Farhan Khawaja aka Doc Testosterone is professionally trained with a PhD in Neuroscience. He is a health and fitness educator, specializing in developing state-of-the-art diet, lifestyle and fitness programs to naturally boost testosterone. In this interview we cover a wide range of testosterone aspects from the molecular level, the whole system and much more. Includes: • What are the differences between Neurotransmitters and Hormones • How Fatherhood can Decrease Your Testosterone • Androgen Dependency for Hair Growth and Hair Loss • The #1 Critical Nutrient for Lowering SHBG • The Super Release of Chemicals causing Saturation and Desensitization (a similar mechanism behind Porn, Steroids and TRT) • Two Types of Men – Eugonadal and Hypogondal. Which are you and what this has meant for quantified testing… • The Key Chemical Difference between Testosterone Dependent and Dopamine Dependent Erections • Total, Free and Bioavailable Testosterone Explained • Extracellular and Intracellular Cell Receptors and