The Vital Way

Ep50: Effortless Meditation and Breathing with Joe Weaver



Joe Weaver grew up in the 50's on a small farm in the middle of the US where he learned the value of physical labor and persistence. In the 60's he became a hippie, learned to meditate, do yoga and started working out with weights. In the 70's he moved to Fairfield, Iowa and earned a degree in Business from Maharishi University of Management where he meditated twice a day with over 2000 other seekers of enlightenment. Since then he's been successful in several diverse businesses including farming, the manufacture and wholesaling of gift items and, most recently, developing and building small log home communities in the mountains of North Carolina. His practice of meditation and yoga have persisted for over 40 years. But he was never able to sustain a workout routine for more than three months without falling off the wagon for years at a time. That all changed when, at the age of 59, he discovered an obscure book on how to boost strength, endurance and recovery in any sport by using an Ayurvedic breathing