This Sporting Wife

Kath Koschel - The Road To The Kindness Factory



Prepare to hear an incredible story. Shannon sat down with Kath Koschel, a former cricketer who has had just about everything life can throw at you hit her in just her short 29 years. Cricket has always been her passion and she made it all the way to her state debut but just a few matches in a back injury sent her lift hurtling down a different path that led to her reaching a point where she was hours from having her leg amputated. Kath talks through that experience and what happened after with the rehab, meeting the love of her life, losing him, breaking her back again and how she pulled it all together to start on a journey to starting the not-for-profit Kindness Factory - an organisation that is actively and tangibly trying to make the world a better place by being nicer to each other. You’ll look at things in a completely different way after hearing Kath’s story.