Take Me Outdoors

18: Radify is Changing the Way Developers Think About Outdoor Building



“For us, there’s no project without the success of a sustainable environment.” - Johannes Ariens As cities continue to grow, our spaces get smaller and smaller. It can be hard for us to break free and find somewhere to hike, bike, or surf. As outdoor enthusiasts, we like to define ourselves as communal, people who work together towards the same goals and outcomes. We surely don’t mind sharing a hiking trail with our outdoor friends. That’s exactly what Johannes Ariens is doing for the community. He brings the experience to us, by providing alternative developments. Johannes Ariens joins us to discuss alternative development within the outdoor industry. What exactly is an alternative development? How do they help the outdoor industry? Tune in to find out what exactly Johannes does to help YOU find your next adventure. Bulletpoints We are stewards of the environment! Alternative developers develop places in the outdoors to create access and experiences for people. Radify Development is a development company, b