Take Me Outdoors

26: Nine-Year-Old Activist Speaks Out To Save Our National Parks



In 1872 President Ulysses S. Grant started the very first (in the world) national park, Yellowstone. Ever since then our national park and monument system has expanded tremendously. Generations of people have been visiting our national parks and monuments ever since. After nearly a century and a half of progression our parks are at risk. Trump’s administration has been looking to give up 27 of our national monuments. These are things we need to protect. It can take decades for these national monuments to be created. So much time and energy is put into these creating these parks from people who care about out outdoor world and want to preserve it for generations to come. All of this work collected throughout the centuries is in danger of disappearing due to our current leadership. It really is time for us to speak out let make it heard that it’s not ok. That we do want these monuments to last for many more generations. On this episode of Take Me Outdoors we are joined by a nine-year-old who has been doing more