Broken Boner Radio With Daniel Canfield, The Voice Of Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile Dysfunction in Young Men: The Reality and What Can Be Done – featuring Colin – Episode #510



Erectile dysfunction in young men is much more common than has been previously thought. 26% of young men suffer from some form of E.D. That’s 1 in 4. So imagine yourself going out on the town with a handful of your buddies. Look around. There’s one of those guys who is suffering from erectile dysfunction. On this episode of Broken Boner Radio, Daniel chats with a young guy named Colin, who discovered that he has had E.D. since birth. He took steps to address the issue at 18 years of age. He’s one of the many young men who is taking steps to bring the condition into the open so that it can be talked about and dealt with. You’ll enjoy hearing Colin’s story and be inspired by his straightforward approach to a very difficult subject. Can you imagine being 18 years old and never having had an erection? That’s exactly where Colin was as he graduated high school. He’d been in one relationship during High School and knew something wasn’t right but he wasn’t exactly sure what it was. It makes sense, since your own pri