
Beautiful branding! How to let the world know about a company.. Arabella Lewis-Smith from gives us the real story!



Salad is a Poole based branding agency who craft beautiful branding strategies online and offline for local, national and international clients. Working with companies such as Elliot Brown Watches, Clipper Round The World Yacht Race and Dirty Blonde Glamour to name just a few. Here is what we asked her! 1. Company branding and image is a huge part of any business, tell us a little about what your company does for others and the services you provide. 2. Your are responsible for branding some iconic companies - When creating a brand image what are the most important things to think of right from the beginning? 3. What kind of job roles are there working in your industry? 4. We are currently looking at our options for further education. So what subjects would you recommend to anyone looking at a career in digital industries? 5. How important is a CV to you and what makes someone stand out? 6. What are some of the mistakes people make in a job interview? 7. How important is social media to you and the clients yo