Wakeup We The People

WakeUP We The People 08-08-2011



WAKEUP We the People with George Stephenson........It's TIME to wakeup our family, friends, and neighbors ..... Week of 8/8/2011 TOP STORY ... GOLD continues its Historic Climb - WHY? - What's the future of Gold & Silver: Scott Carter, CEO, Goldline International .... U.S. WakeUp Call by Standard & Poor's - Inside Thinking by S&P: Dr. Tim Kane, University of Texas Tyler .... Collapse of Current Currency System - Solution by States Creating Alternate Currency System based on Gold/Silver, according to Constitution: Dr. Edwin Vieira, Constitutional Scholar on Lawful Money www.newswithviews.com .... Spiritual Impact of Saturday's All Day Prayer Meeting at Reliant Stadium (Houston): Pastor Dan Cummins, Come Pray With Me .... Facts about Islam Every American should Know: Stephen Blanton, Author, The Heart of Islam www.stephenblanton.com