Wakeup We The People

WakeUP We The People 08-15-2011



WAKEUP We the People with George Stephenson........It's TIME to wakeup our family, friends, and neighbors ..... Week of 8/15/2011 TOP STORY ... Governor Rick Perry has some Unfinished Business - The Rule of Law is at Stake - Response to Perry running for President: JoAnn Fleming, Tea Party Caucus to Texas Legislature & Executive Director/Grassroots America We the People .... Obama says NO to using "God" at Veterans' funerals, also, Grassroots & Tea Party Must Stay Focused; Making A Difference: Kelly Shackleford, Liberty Institute .... How Does "We the People" Impeach Federal Officers: James Newsom, University of Texas Tyler .... Islam - 80% of Muslims do not Fight: Stephen Blanton, Author