Wakeup We The People

WakeUP We The People 08-22-2011



TOP STORY .... The 49th State has Concealed Carry; U.N. Treaty on Gun Control in America: Rachel Parsons, NRA www.nra.org .... Why Gold/Silver at record high prices - What is the Wealth Cycle - Could you believe $20,000 Gold - How do you benefit: James Anderson, GoldSilver.com www.goldsilver.com .... 16th Amendment to Constitution must be repealed - according to Gov Perry: Professor James Newsom, University of Texas Tyler .... Hope for America: 16 year old Brady Clayton, TeenPact Leadership Schools www.teenpact.com .... Islam - Why stop Growth in U.S.: Stephen Blanton, Author, The Heart of Islam www.stephenblanton.com