Wakeup We The People

WakeUP We The People 07-30-2012



TOP STORY ... Supreme Court Justice Scalia opens the 2nd Amendment Pandora's Box - Can Semi-Automatic Weapons be banned? - Legal Questions on Heller Case: Dane vonBreichenruchardt; Constitutional Attorney, U.S. Bill of Rights Foundation, also on Legal Team representing Dick Heller in the Supreme Court case which they won www.usbor.org ... "Deeply disappointed in Justice Scalia, but it still does not surprise me ." Original Context of the 2nd Amendment & Founding Fathers: KrisAnne Hall, Constitutional Attorney & National Teacher www.krisannehall.com ... The Middle East Forum advises U.S. to stay out of Syria; Obama administration supports terrorist groups in Syria; Islamist group forces SEALS to revise training program; and Islamic jihad during the holy month of Ramadan: Stephen Blanton, Author, The Heart of Islam www.stephenblanton.com